
The choice of the way of feeding the newborn baby is an important decision for every biological parent. Regardless that you hope to give breast milk to your new born baby or you have decided that the milk mixture is more convenient – there is no answer ‘right or wrong’.


The decision of getting and providing breast milk for the intended mothers and the surrogate mothers helping them through surrogacy should be made by bilateral consent, but the parent should make the first decision. The next decision depends on the surrogate mother's wish and opportunity in feeding by breast or milking of the baby.


The ARNI center realizes that in this respect it should give multi-lateral information for making right decision. That is why we made a decision to get immediate opinions from several experienced surrogate mothers and briefly introduce you.


There are surrogate mothers who agree with the parents’ proposal – feed the new born by milk. It is very important that the two sides will be fully intended to the idea of breastfeeding by the surrogate mother. However not all parents want that the surrogate mother feeds the baby, or if  they express such wish, then they want the baby not to touch the surrogate mother’s breast.


The common concern of the surrogate mothers and parents is that directly feeding by breast can create a contact between the surrogate mother and the baby, which is not felt during the pregnancy. This was an issue about which our surrogate mothers think during the program.



One of the surrogate mothers of the ARNI center described that feeling as ‘feeding the friend’s baby’ and noted that she has not felt any close attachment. But before making such decision we urge you to discuss it with the psychologist, who has worked with the given surrogate mother.